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Carriages - Wagons and Farm Equipment

Top  7  of 12 Listings:

1350 Schuylkill Avenue, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19146
Animal Trainers, Wranglers and Horses for hire. Antique and Period Carriages, Props, Sleighs and Display Horses. For Motor Coaches, Mini Buses, Vans, Double Decker Buses and Trolleys. Phone: (215) 389-8687 ...more

1170 Universal Boulevard, Whitewater, Wisconsin 53190
Coburn is a manufacturer and distributor of Livestock Supplies and Milking Equipment. Wide range of top-quality Farm Supplies and Dairy Equipment. Since 1925 ...more

Fillmore, California 93015
ANIMAL RENTALS: Forsberg Ranch & Company has served the Motion Pictures industry for over 20 years. Their extensive experience includes the positions of Livestock Supplier, Coordinator, Stunt Performer, Head Wrangler, and Producer. They ... ...more

44909 North Tenth Street, West, Lancaster, California 93534
Lane Ranch in Lancaster, CA rents Antique Vehicles, Farm Vehicles, Farm Props, Mechanical Bulls, Windmills, Trucks, Wagons, Livestock and Barnyard Animals to Film & TV Productions. ...more

P.O. Box 309, Piru, California 93040
Phil`s Animal Rentals, in the Los Angeles area: Animal Trainers, Wranglers, Horses, Farm Animals, Birds, Dogs. Turn of the Century Carriages and Wagons. ...more

14463 North U.S. 169 Hwy, Smithville, Missouri 64089
The Agency Models & Talent represents Actors, Models, Western Sports Athletes, and Animals. They also offer a unique selection of Carriages, Wagons, Sleighs and a Hearse available for rental. ...more

100 Universal City Plaza (Bldg 8166-1), Universal City, California 91608
NBC Universal Property Department, Los Angeles: Prop House & Set Dressing Rentals for Antique & Period Furnishings and Accessories. Contemporary Furniture & Hand Props, Household Items, Artwork, Carpet, Drapery and Window Treatments, Upholstery and Lighting. ...more

...more recommended resources for Film & TV Production:

Acton, California 93510
Sales and Repair of Wagons, Buggies, Wheels, Carriages. Western and Farm Antiques, including: Chuck Wagons, Buggies, Fiberglass Animals, Windmills and Ore Carts. 20 miles North of Los Angeles. Sales & Rentals. ...more

Castaic, California 91384
Specializing in Horses-Cast, Falling, Rearing, Bucking, Trick, Liberty and Driving. Riding, Driving and Pack Mules. Cows, Bulls, Roping and Range Steers. TACK: Contemporary Western and English Tack. Period Cavalry and Spanish ... ...more

Corrales, New Mexico 87048
Movin On Livestock, Animal, Wranglers & Trainers: Movie Horses , Mules, Movie Animals, and Movie Wagons, Carriages and Stagecoaches. Goats, Sheep, Chickens, Dairy and Range Cattle. Movin On Livestock houses one of the largest ... ...more

Canyon Country, California 91351
Movie Horses and Mules, Movie Animals, and Movie Wagons, Carriages and Stagecoaches. Goats, Sheep, Chickens, Dairy and Range Cattle. Serving the Entertainment Industrys needs for Specialty-Trained Livestock and Related Wagon Equipment ... ...more

Sun Valley, California 91352
Premier Props in the Los Angeles area: Period Props: Furniture, Appliances, Store Fixtures, A-Frame Canvas Tents and Hand Props. Prop House & Prop Rentals ...more

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